Thursday, December 30, 2010

hari raya haji

                                          sesudah kenyang makan lembu lepak kat pagar.huhuhu

                                                SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILADHA

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Friday, November 26, 2010

Visiting to Sarawak

   At 15june2010 my family and i was go to Sarawak Malaysia..i am very happy because i can go Kuala Lumpur with the first class train. My father had book a Air Asia flight..I stayed at hotel around the airport.Early morning, my family and I go to airport at 5.00am. Im was so tired because I cannot sleep one night..We started fly at 7.00am.I arrived at Kuching,Sarawak airport.My father had rented a van to go to Sematan.There was my brother in law's home.Many activities I did there such as fishing,swimming,picnic at beach an so on. There was a wonderful view too. I can see big sea there. There was Laut China Selatan. I had go to fishing with my father with a boat. On that day,it was bad weather. It was rainy heavily. Our boat cannot control better. I feel so afraid with the situation. Because of that,my father decided to stay at small island.Another day my sisters go to sea with my father again..Tomorrow my family and i want to back to kuching and my father check in a room at hotel and stayed one night and i go to Museum Kuching.Tomorrow my family and i go to airport Kuching to back at Kuala Lumpur 3.00pm i started fly to Kuala Lumpur..I arrived at 5.00pm.I saw many buses around the airport. i chose one bus to go to Kuala Lumpur Centre. i just waited for train to back to Gua Musang Kelantan...i so tired....

                                                thanks for read...
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